Ascetic Example: Marcus Aurelius
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

Ascetic Example: Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius's commitment to physical exercise was not merely about building a strong body; it was a reflection of his dedication to living a life of discipline, virtue, and self-mastery. His exercise routine was a tangible manifestation of his Stoic philosophy – a way to enhance his resilience, strengthen his mind-body connection, and prepare himself for the challenges he faced as a leader.

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The Holistic Embrace: Physical Exercise in Islam
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

The Holistic Embrace: Physical Exercise in Islam

In the modern world, where sedentary lifestyles and technological advancements dominate, the importance of physical exercise cannot be overstated. Interestingly, the significance of maintaining a healthy body through physical activity finds resonance in Islamic thought.

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Ascetic Examples: Wang Ziping
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

Ascetic Examples: Wang Ziping

Wang Ziping was born in 1881 in the city of Yuxian, China, to a Hui Muslim family. The Hui ethnic group is predominantly Muslim and has a long history in China, tracing its roots back to the Silk Road era. Growing up in this cultural and religious context, Wang was exposed to the teachings of Islam from an early age. These teachings emphasized qualities such as discipline, respect, and humility – virtues that would come to define his martial arts journey.

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Asceticism: Embracing the Path of Self-Discipline and Spiritual Enlightenment
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

Asceticism: Embracing the Path of Self-Discipline and Spiritual Enlightenment

In a world often consumed by materialism and the pursuit of pleasure, asceticism stands as a profound philosophy that counters the prevailing norms. Asceticism, rooted in various religious and philosophical traditions, advocates for the practice of self-discipline, renunciation of worldly pleasures, and a relentless pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. T

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Ottoman Slap: Janissary Fact or Fiction?
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

Ottoman Slap: Janissary Fact or Fiction?

The legend of the Ottoman Slap has been passed down through time, suggesting that the Janissaries possessed the ability to knock out or even kill an opponent with just one powerful slap. According to the myth, the Janissaries were trained extensively in hand-to-hand combat and developed a fearsome technique that combined precision, strength, and speed to deliver a devastating strike.

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The Daily Routine of the Cossacks
Alex Zhao Alex Zhao

The Daily Routine of the Cossacks

The Cossacks, a legendary group of fearless and skilled warriors hailing from the vast steppes and rugged landscapes of Eastern Europe, have a history steeped in tradition and honor.

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